Spanish for Business

Duration and timetable:

The course lasts 4 weeks and it consists of 100 lessons of Spanish: 60 lessons of Spanish for Business and 40 lessons of General Spanish.

5 lessons per day (25 lessons per week) from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 till 14:15 with a 25 minutes break from 10:55 to 11:20, lessons are 55 minutes.

Course dates 2025:

The course will take place on the following dates: from 15th July till 8th August. Final enrolment date: 27th June.

** For groups the dates can be adapted according to the needs of the group.

Number of students per group: maximum 10, minimum 5.

At PLSI the students are the centre of the learning process. The main aim of the lessons is to develop the communicative skills of the students, in the field of business in particular. To achieve this, teachers at PLSI use material from varied sources, such as material from the press, Internet, textbooks, etc.

Teachers will guide the students in the Spanish learning to manage in the business field.

Course aims:

• Development of the student’s communicative strategies.
• To transmit the communicative skills presented and practised in the classroom to real situations.
• Study of expressions and vocabulary specific to business.